In this Video we are going to compare two biggest Zinger burgers in market right now....
In this Video we are going to compare two biggest Zinger burgers in market right now.
One is MAD Max and other is KFC Mighty.
We will compare their sizes, taste, sauces and prices so watch the video till end to know that which one is biggest and best zinger burger in Pakistan.
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- KFC zinger Burger
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- RS.400 Burger VS RS.600 Burger
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My channel is about sharing my food, travel and life experiences. I do mention explicitly if the video is sponsored. But irrespective of that, my views and opinions are personal and highlight my experiences. I can’t guarantee that you will have the same experience and feel the same way about the topic in this video. Also note, that some of the above are affiliate links. I do earn a small commission from Sial 444 if you purchase using my links. However, it does not make a difference to the price of the product for you.